May 2nd 2023 – Pre-school
À l’occasion de la fête des mères aux États-Unis, Marion Donon est intervenue dans une école bilingue à Santa Rosa en Californie dans une classe de petite et moyenne section. Après avoir expliqué aux enfants la chaîne du livre et avoir leur avoir lu “Ta maman pour la vie”, elle a animé un atelier autour de la thématique de la maternité.
Après avoir observé les étapes de la vie d’un humain, à travers le livre de Marion Donon, les enfants ont été invité à remettre dans l’ordre chronologique les étapes de la grossesse.
Chaque enfant offrira à sa maman un exemplaire dédicacé du livre le 14 mai pour la Mother’s Day. 💝
Ma petite école – Santa Rosa USA
At Ma Petite École, our program follows the curriculum established by the French Ministry of Education, where the children are given the ability to go above and beyond. Our daily activities focus on developing memory and creativity, reasoning and imagination, diligence and autonomy, and fostering the spirit of initiative. The children become proud students who quickly acquire the love of speaking French with their peers confidently. Their language skills are a true testimony to their experience at MPÉ. Intellectual development is stimulated through observation, experimentation, and active exploration; we give children opportunities to build on their understandings. Inspired by the children’s interests and passions, we encourage them to be proactive learners. Social skills are encouraged through group play, learning responsible behavior, and respect for others. Emotional growth is cultivated by promoting cooperation, a positive self-image, as well as developing trust and independence. These new independence skills lead directly to increased confidence, which in turn, accelerates personal growth.

Ma petite école, Santa Rosa CA
1712 Wright St
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
United States
(707) 859-2299